upptäckte precis att nerladdningslänken till opinions differ inte svarar.
det är åtgärdat nu.
>>> opinions differ.mp3
på fredag spelar mfmb på pet sounds bar i sthlm och det tycker jag ska bli så äckligt jävla kul att jag jag inte kan göra annat än att avsluta det här inlägget precis exakt nu.
seems like lupe fiasco, kanye west and thom yorke has got this little thing going on. yorke's solo album never caught me, but this mash-up is great.
>>> lupe fiasco - us placers.mp3
(thanks to jens)
it's from the first and last ddid live performance. victor is right behind me, presumably making love with the tambourine.
malmö is just around the corner.
we're set and done for a mighty fine apartment.
please pay a visit when we move in by the end of the summer.
something's wrong with my computer back home, hence i couldn't post this one yesterday.
the arpeggio which the song is based upon is made with my new access virus syntheseizer and it's pretty amazing.
i'm accused for every crime
no mistakes to leave behind
>>> hey suspect.mp3 (dedicated my constant partner in crime)
hope you like it.
there's something else something bright and pure something that you never felt before something you can't touch something you can see you just don't believe.
>>> FCR TTA CVR.mp3
i was spending time with my guitar and the new tta record last night, and this is the result. not much. tomorrow/wednesday är värt som fan. please stop by.
i literally screwed my only chance to see tta live. arvika 05. she was cute and her fringe was sticky because she used a lot of hairspray.
i predict a new chance to be one of my best friends this summer.
>>> the tough alliance - 1981.mp3
natan skickade den nyss.
de står som ansvariga för mitt val att börja blogga igen, trots att jag egentligen föraktar hela fenomenet. justice har total makt över mig. jag har lyssnat sönder allt de gett ifrån sig, laddat ner hundratals remixer, suttit hela nätter på youtube och förtrollats av mobilkamerainspelningar från deras liveset och gud vad jag längtat efter den här jävla skivan.
† är titeln. justicekorset. 12 låtar. sju helt nya. lite trist egentligen att de inte vågade utesluta dumhouserockiga waters of nazareth och phantom pt. I & II. de känns utdaterade och bleknar en aning i jämförelse med det nya materialet.
annars är † jämn och behaglig. de här två är bäst just nu:
>>> justice - valentine.mp3
>>> justice - DVNO.mp3
though i have a broken dream
i'm too busy to be dreaming of you
i'm wasted all the time
gotta drink you right off my mind
though i have a broken heart
i'm too busy to be heartbroken
>>> spiritualized - broken heart.mp3
sommar många många år sen plötsligt minns man utan omsvep precis precis hur allt kändes och jag efterkonstruerar aldrig känslor har aldrig gjort kommer aldrig göra och det känns bra att veta hejdå.
i find a certain kind of interest in reading the great wisdoms expressed in the spam mail i've been receiving recently. the purpose of the spam is of course to sell viagra or something like that, but the text enclosed is needed to trick the filtering system. it is sometimes pretty beautiful:
"There are plenty of good five cent cigars in the country. The trouble is they cost a quarter.
I am one of those who think like Nobel, than humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries.
Why does life keep teaching me lessons I have no desire to learn?
We should live our lives as though Christ were coming this afternoon.
Take care of your of your life and the Lord will take of your death.
I'm trying to die correctly, but it's very difficult, you know.
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life that word is love.
We know accurately only when we know little, with knowledge doubt increases.
The world belongs to the Enthusiast who keeps cool.
After all is said and done, more is said than done.
A man's own self is his friend. A man's own self is his foe.
What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things.
Love is made by two people, in different kinds of solitude. It can be in a crowd, but in an oblivious crowd."